Having returned from Portugal this weekend, I still feel the glow in my heart of our beautiful 1st ever ‘Sunflow’ Sacred Circle Dance Festival outside Lisbon! It was organised by two beautiful ladies, Francesca from Italy and Dalia from Portugal, both dedicated to creating a more beautiful world through the dance. For me, people like that are great role models because they just do what our world needs, without thinking wether or not it can be done, they just went and did it! Without support or financial backing etc. I guess many angels were helping, and I am happy to have been there to bring the Findhorn energy : ) 

What Francesca and Dalia say about our weekend

“The 1st Festival of circular dances in Portugal took place this weekend! Yeah! Many hearts from several countries (Italy, Portugal, Austria, France, Brazil, Germany, Morocco, Mexico) came together in a single, big and pulsating heart! We sing and dance to a culture of peace and harmony on the planet, to break the barriers between peoples, respecting and accepting all cultures present. We were honouring those who walked before us this holy land and who left us these precious teachings. We dance the beauty of the Divinity that lives within each of us. We deeply thank every being of this magic circle, to all the guests invited and to those who silently contributed with their help, presence and good will – gratitude in the name of the Spirit of Dance!”
Francesca Avolio, Italy, and Dahlia Lourenço, Portugal

Here is a picture with Andromeda and Yacine, a lovely couple living in Morocco, who do the dances there in public parks! That is REAL change!”

A view of the past: cannons used for battles around the world to gain colonies for Portugal.

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