The Heaven and Earth Community 
Songbook from Findhorn

A Treasure of heart opening Songs and Dances from around the World.

Heaven and Earth

In many months of loving work John Rees and myself have put together a beautiful book of spiritual songs from all around the world.

There are more than 180 songs, many with harmony parts as sung in Findhorn and other spiritual communities. For those who already know my songbooks, it has all the little books under one cover plus as many new ones.

The book contains music, words, chords, harmonies, dance descriptions, background information and other useful stuff. There is an index of songs by: 
-musical form (unison, rounds, 2,3,4,6,8 part songs)
-spiritual & geographical origin and subjects (like peace, love, Goddess etc)
-sources, authors & arrangers.

It is spiral bound for easy use, with environmentally friendly paper and ink and has beautiful illustrations by my friend Francois Monnet.

My mission is to bring beautiful spiritual music to the planet. I hope you will enjoy the book and please let anyone know, who could benefit from such a collection!

MAIL ORDER  – The Heaven & Earth Community Songbook from Findhorn (£17.00)