Cantiones Sacrae CD
Singing is one of the most natural ways to create community. These songs have been used in the Findhorn Foundation for some years to start off the day and to let our hearts sing out in joy and gratitude. May they inspire you and your community to do the same.

1. Stella splendens (Llibre Vermell)
02. Cuncti simus concanentes (Llibre Vermell)
03. Medieval Alleluia (Source unknown)
04. Los set goyts (Llibre Vermell)
05. Ad mortem festinamus (Llibre Vermell)
06. Laudemus Virginem (Llibre Vermell)
07. Quam pulchra es (Plain Chant arr. J.R.Moran)
08. Salve Regina (Sylvanes)
09. Non nobis Domine (Byrd)
10. Sanctus Round (Source unknown)
11. Hosannah (Plain Chant)
12. Gloria (Taizé)
13. Laudato si mi Signore (St. Francis prayer)
14. Alleluia (Pachelbel)
15. Ubi caritas (Taizé)
16. Magnificat (Taizé)
17. Jubilate Deo (Praetorius)
18. Kyrie Eleison (traditional Russian)
19. Oh Signore (Georgian melody, arr. J.R.Moran)
20. Da pacem Domine (Taizé)
21. Gaudete, gaudete (Piae Cantiones 1582)
22. Oh que cíest chose belle (French anonymus)
23. Taizé Alleluia (Traditional)
24. Dona nobis pacem (Source unknown)
25. Sanctus (Plain Chant)
26. Adoro te devote (Plain Chant)

MAIL ORDER the CD (£13.00)